About Me

Hello everyone and welcome into The Mystic Ward shop page. Let's meet the owner!

“My name is Treonna Lanee and I am a Spiritualist under the Hoodoo framework and I’m also a Spirit-led Witch. I’ve been practicing close to 5 years and that includes tarot, astrology / planetary magic, consorting with spirits, working conjure / candle rituals. 

I’ve become increasingly dedicated to myself and my mission here on this planet since finding myself spiritually and I aim to provide that same experience for others.

Before I started my business, I studied psychology and sociology for a few years because I wanted to be a psychologist. Now, I'm on my own personal journey to being a full time witch running my shop and posting other witch related resources online. 

When I'm not performing magic or divination, you can find me in the forest praying and giving offerings to land spirits or at a bookstore searching for a lesbian romance, high fiction fantasy book or an extreme horror novel. I also enjoy studying and deepening my current understanding of different occult topics. 


My core values & mission statements are as follows:

I believe that everyone has the right to live a life in alignment with their highest self according to what God has in store for them

I believe that every woman has the right to know their God given abilities and use them to create the life they desire 

I believe that magic is not to be feared but a gift to be passed on

My goal with this shop is to create a place where people of all magical abilities can come,learn, and connect with other mystical beings. My products are here to serve you on your spiritual journey whether you’re healing or using them to help create your next reality. I am so happy the Divine brought you here today and I pray you find the healing and tools you’re seeking.”

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